The book that I co-edited last year, with Joe McKinney, Dead Set, is on the preliminary list for the Stoker Ballot! It's not official as a nominee yet, but I think it's pretty ding-dang cool to be a prelim, right? In a few weeks, we will find out if it makes the ballot! Fingers crossed!
Also, I blogged a few weeks ago about what a wonderful time I had in Jefferson, TX at "Girlfriends Weekend," which is a yearly conference of sorts for the national book club I am in, The Pulpwood Queens. I met so many wonderful people and authors, but was truly excited to meet Carolyn Turgeon, author of best-sellers "Rain Village," "Godmother" and the upcoming "Mermaid." We chatted for a bit...I am afraid I might have gone a little "fan-girl" for a second there...hope I didn't freak her out too much! I guess I didn't because after mentioning to her that I wrote a short story about the zombie Little Mermaid, she asked for my contact info to interview me for her blog. I got the interview questions a few days ago and have sent them in to her, along with a picture that my best friend's son, Sean Adams, drew at my request. Here it is, the zombie Little Mermaid that goes along with my story!

Isn't it amazing? I love her purple hair also! Sean is an awesome artist, and only 15 years old! I have watched him grow up over the years and carry around his sketch book - I knew he was a budding talent and the one to draw my zombified Little Mermaid!
In case you are interested, the story will be appearing in "Feary Tales," from Library of the Living Dead Press this summer. It's a zombified tale of the little mermaid, from the Hans Christian Anderson original story, not the Disney version, although I do poke fun at that a bit.
What else?? Hmmmm....OH! Yes, here is a good one! My friend Chris, who works for the Louisiana Tourism and Travel Bureau, contacted me a few weeks ago with a cool offer! Family Circle Magazine, yes, that one you always see in the check-out aisle with flowers or food on the cover, contacted him and wanted to find a family to feature in their June monthly article called "My Hometown." It features a town in America, and family that lives there to represent it. Chris wanted to recommend my family, and after discussing with the hubby, we said yes! I did an interview with the article writer and a photographer will be snapping my family within a few weeks! I think it is super cool that Shreveport is being spot-lighted - and the writer was very intrigued with me being the coordinator of the Shreveport Zombie Walk! I hope we get lots of attention on that because more publicity equals more zombies equals more FOOD for the local food bank! The issue will hit stands on May 10, so be sure to pick up a copy!
Now, onto my kids. My oldest son, Michael, who is 13, is a budding film maker. He created a short film, titled "PTSA Training Video" for the PTSA Reflections contest and entered it at the regional level. He came home a few days ago and told me that it won at the regional level and is going to compete at the state level! I am so proud of him! Sammy, my 11 year old, had 2 poems printed in a local publication that is released yearly for students, called The Seedlings. It is an honor to be printed in The Seedlings, even more to get an Honorable Mention, which he did, for a poem called "Crayons." Here is his poem:
So colorful and bright,
Making pretty images
The more ideas grow
the shorter they get.
Running on paper
Leaving a trail of color
So many to choose from
but all very colorful and bright.
Isn't that clever? "The more ideas grow the shorter they get." Brilliant, kid! Sammy also received a lot of awards and pins at his Cub Scouts Blue and Gold Banquet yesterday. Way to go, McCrary boys!
Well, I suppose that is enough gushing for now. Onto the plugging!
If you haven't read my BFF's blog yet, please do! Carey is an awesome writer and has great insight!
I also have another writing venture going on. It consists of short memoir-as-it-happens blogs of a survivor of the zombie apocalypse. It is a great way for me to write more frequently and in short bursts...which is good for my ADD....LOL! Here is the link to the blog:
Funny side note...I actually wrote the first post on my cell phone on a Notepad app on the way home from a trip to Dallas a few weeks ago! Hence the idea for using a smart phone to blog about zombies! Don't know if it's been done yet, but there it is! Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for reading my blog - check out the links contained for more great reading!
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